Thursday, October 28, 2010

Troubled Souls

Some people confuse me.

Disclaimer: This post has no back story behind it's meaning, I just wanted to get it into words.

Some people are just plain bad news. Say I try and ask a question about what homework there was in a class. They would probably accuse me of cheating. Or say that I asked about what some girl thought of me. They would accuse me of being a stalker. They'll just go out of their way to make the other person's life as hellish as they can. But one has to wonder why... why would they want to make a person's life who has done nothing to them hellish? The answer, usually, is that they're compensating for their own sadness. Whether their parents treat them bad, they're poor, they're ugly, or even they get bullied, the troublemaker is sad... and wants to compensate for his/her sadness by making other peoples' live as bad as his/hers. I wish there was a way to stop it, but it's pretty much like a really strong virus. No matter how much you get rid of them, they will always regenerate. I, for one, pity these unfortunate people. Pushed to schadenfreude to make their lives better? They'll never know true happiness if they keep going down that path, that's for sure.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Coffee Shops

Do coffee shops always have the best wifi?

Dad and I decided to get out of the house to work on our separate... well... work. We packed our laptops up then headed out to a coffee shop because we thought the best wifi was at a coffee shop. And so did everyone else in the county. The first coffee shop we headed to was too crowded to even sit down. The second was even more crowded. The third, we couldn't even get a parking spot! We were about to give up, but we tried one more: Panera. It was crowded, but we went in anyway thinking our luck would change. And sure enough, a spot opened right up. Grateful, we set up and got snacks, but when I started using the wifi, I noticed it was a bit... slow. Dad noticed this too, being the first to raise the topic. We decided to put up with it and just keep working.

But I can't help but wonder why exactly this wifi was so slow? Were so many people using it that it was slowing down? Or was it just getting so old that it started to run slower? I don't know, but either way, I wasn't happy. Especially when i tried to watch the current series I've been watching, Clone High, on YouTube. Every time I tried to watch the video, it did that weird spinny wheel thing for 5 minutes, then said, "An error occurred. Please wait a minute, then try again." Which to me basically was, "Your internet sucks, so I'm going to throw a tantrum and not play your video until it gets better." Either way, it's a big middle finger from whoever made this wifi so damn crappy.

Mac vs. PC

It's hard being clueless.

I was hired to do an editing job for a client. I picked up the hard drive 2 nights ago, not knowing that it would take me until today to actually do it. I opened the case and installed the necessary programs and drivers for it, I opened MacDrive to get the files, then after 30 minutes of setting up everything, it turns out the files are in the wrong format to play on my computer.

Are Bill Gates and Steve Jobs that competitive that they have to completely block out a PC's file format to a Mac and vice versa? Or is it the fact that PCs and Macs aren't advanced enough to play each other's files? Neither. The answer is that there needs to be plugins to actually access each other's files. Like QuickTime is needed to access a .MOV file. But apparently, there's no plugin for this file to play on this computer, so the files have to be converted to a file that CAN be played on my Windows 7 PC. Oh well.

Work will commence again tomorrow, so I have the day off. That's the good side to it.