Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kid Franchises

How many times have you looked at a new installment of a cartoon that was on when you were younger, and you think to yourself, "This isn't as good as I remembered..." and you wondered how that franchise has stayed alive so damn long when it's not good anymore?

The answer is simple. You may think that the new installment of this cartoon saga sucks, but kids don't. Kids from 3-12 are set to think that this series is just as good as the original, just like you thought the original was good. This is the original to them. And when they're older, they'll experience the same mindset as you, and remember the good old days when they watched their cartoon, then compare it to the current installment. And you know what they'll say? You guessed it. "This crap sucks!"

That's how Transformers has been around since 1984. They keep making new series's with new animation styles and new characters and especially new plots. The new generation of viewers (kids)  - and in some cases, die-hard fans who will follow the series and buy the products no matter what - are the main source of "keeping the fire burning."

Speaking of products, that's the other main source of income for the series's. Action figures, DVDs, video games, and even accessories to make you look more like the main characters: they all make the money. How're you going to pay everyone? Product sales money. How're you going to get money yourself? The rest of the product sales money... after you give a percentage to taxes... *grumble* *murmur*

Of course there are other sources of income. Advertising space during commercial time pays good. Companies might even pay you to put their products in the show! "Quick Optimus! Use your McDonald's Happy Meal® to gain the strength to beat the Decepticons!" "Thanks, Bumblebee! I'll also use my Happy Meal toy to defeat Megatron with friendship!" "Hahaha, not a chance, Prime! I don't believe in friend sh-- OOH! Is that the Megatron toy? I love these!" "Optimus you've saved the day again!" "Don't thank me, Bumblebee! Thank McDonalds! Badabababa, I'm Lovin' It!®®®®" ...Ok, so that didn't happen... but it might as well have.

So in conclusion, the reasons that these certain franchises are still alive are:

  1. New Generations of Children
  2. Die-Hard Fans
  3. Advertising
  4. Products
  5. Nothing else good was on.

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